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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lesson 3 Reader's Advisory - NoveList and NoveList K-8


"What should I read next? "
"Do you have any more books like this one?"
"I want a book about science."

These are the kinds of questions that we as librarians love to hear. But the reality is that we can’t read every book, there just isn’t enough time. So, reader’s advisory comes to the rescue.

For this discovery exercise, use the reader’s advisory databases NoveList and NoveList K-8 to explore titles you may not have thought of in answer to the questions above.

Discovery Exercise:
1: Use the Read-Alike features in NoveList or NoveList K-8 to find several new authors or titles that you might like to read based on your favorite books. How accurate do you think these recommendations are? How about the Series recommendations?
2: Save several of those selections to your folder.
3: Often librarians are asked about books in series order. Use NoveList or NoveList K-8 to find a series in series order. (hint: search on the author and use the Series tab at the top of the results list)
4: Check out the Resources section – Readers Advisory Toolbox – on NoveList or the How To Use NoveList support center. What parts of the NoveList website do you thing will be most useful to your patrons?

Blog about your experience using NoveList and NoveList K-8 – You may want to include other readers advisory sites that may be of interest to Librarians.

Read this article and include your response in your blog - which of these sites would you recommend?
Zmora, Tamar. (2012). 7 Book Recommendation Websites . The Next Great Generation
Discovery Resources:
NoveList and NoveList K-8 have an extensive HELP site with articles about each feature of the service. 


  1. I follow a couple of blogs to help my RA suggestions stay current:

    Mystery Fanfare (http://mysteryreadersinc.blogspot.com/)

    and Books on Screen (http://www.bookreporter.com/features/books-on-screen)

    Here is a link to a timely topic, the role of the RA regarding reader’s requests for popular fiction where they may or may not know what the book is actually about, like 50 Shades of Grey by E.L James. 50 Shades of Red (http://shelfrenewal.booklistonline.com/2012/03/19/50-shades-of-red/)


  2. I had fun with this one! http://attilaarchivist.blogspot.com/2012/03/adr-3-readers-advisory.html

  3. I spent a lot of time on question one, then sped through the rest. Here's my post: http://reb-library.blogspot.com/2012/03/introduction-to-alaska-digital_31.html

  4. Here's another book finder tool and explanation of the project:

    My lesson 3 post:


  5. The various sites shared on this site would be very helpful to the librarian engaged in reader's advisory or purchasing. The ability to find books that are similar to popular titles is an important task school librarians do all day long. I especially appreciated those sites that weren't full of ads. On the Whichbook site, it even links to World Cat which can find the libraries where the books can be borrowed.

  6. Not sure why this is now in archives, but here's the URL http://fairbanksbookworm.blogspot.com/2012_04_01_archive.html
